Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Merry Christmas and Happy 2011!

Front cover for the Christmas 2010 Electronic Soup Podcast. An image from a 1984 Commodore 64 adventure game, 'Merry Christmas from Melbourne House', of Santa outside his workshop at the North Pole, next to a Snowman who has lost its nose, overlaid with the text, 'SpecialEffect Electronic Soup Podcast' and a tin of electric soup.

As OneSwitch winds up shop for the year, here's four pressie links all wrapped up and ready to pop under your virtual Christmas tree. You may open them early if you like...

1. Musical Pressie.
2. Talking Pressie (HQ OneSwitch and HQ SpecialEffect).
3. Retro Pressie.
4. Interactive Pressie.

Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Sunday, 19 December 2010

Bundle of Wrong

Bundle of Wrong - donate once, get the lot and then some.

The Bundle of Wrong is a great concept. Pay what you like, then get the okay to download all of Rob Fearon's games. These include the wonderful "SYNSO: Championship Edition" with one-switch play compatibility.

What would your money buy? Firstly, some hugely fun and massively colourful games, some with a brilliant range of accessibility options. Secondly, you could also treat it as a donation towards his totally free "Fish Fish Bang Bang" demo and "The Ambiomat" one-switch art toy, in the hope that he'll carry on with this type of work. Thirdly, Rob's recovering from Pneumonia, and any donation would surely put a smile on his face.

Rob has made a massive difference to the world of accessible gaming, through the support of RetroRemakes and beyond. Please consider supporting one of the biggest advocates of accessible gaming at Bag Full of Wrong.

Monday, 13 December 2010


Stock image of an Apple iPad, with a race game playing.

If you're thinking of lashing out on an iPad, here's a couple of useful links to mooch through before you do: Accessible GameBase review and Kate Aherne's iPad posts. If you're looking for a portable machine to play good one-switch games on, this isn't it though.

Sunday, 12 December 2010


Ha! I loved The Max Headroom Show. This was the last from the first series, first shown on Channel 4 in 1985. I'd so love to get a chance to watch that original UK series again. Max always makes me smile.

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Gavin Philips Website

Image of Gavin Philips' 'Combat Chair', a super-cheap to build accessibility switch and a stock photo of a battery interrupter.

I've an enormous amount of respect for the work and knowledge of Gavin Philips in the field of accessibility. You may have heard of him through his work on the amazing AbleGames event run by Assistive Technology Partners. His brand new web-site reveals links to more brilliant resources he's been behind, including...

...a grin-inducing "Combat Chair" using dual Nerf guns (fire foam darts), a D.I.Y. accessibility switch guide that's super cheap to build, an eye controlled wheelchair and more besides. Superb. 

Added to the OneSwitch D.I.Y. index.

Monday, 6 December 2010

Avant-Garde Playground Design

Image of Keita Takahashi's playground furniture design, 'Flower'. Diagram of kids pulling on ropes to bend a very long vertical structure of a flexible tube threaded through large colourful balls, that can be pulled about.

Image of Keita Takahashi's playground furniture design, 'DOG'. Diagram of huge catapults designed to launch items for a dog to chase down once launched.

Image of Keita Takahashi's playground furniture design, 'Trampolines'. Diagram of an oval route of sunken small round trampolines.

Katamari Damacy, game designer, Keita Takahashi, has been commissioned to create an avant-garde playground in Nottingham.

He has designed it for people of all ages, including dogs. I loved Katamari Damacy's style and bonkers music, and really like some of his designs here, but... If Nottingham Council truly want the best playground ever, then why no designs for wheelchair users too? 


Friday, 3 December 2010

Accessible Sledge

I'm jealous. I spent an hour clearing our drive way of snow earlier today. Being pulled about on an accessible sledge (i.e. an inflatable dingy, wrapped up snug) looks like so much more fun.

Many thanks to Annette Patmore for permission to repost this lovely picture of her daughter Sophie. Great idea!

"Final Boss"

Army of Trolls, 'Final Boss' poster section. Retro themed Japanese city madness, under attack.

$20 buys you a full version of the Gary J Lucken art work above with a chunk of profits being donated to various charities including SpecialEffect. They're limited edition so get in there quick if you like it.

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Real Time Sensory Substitution

The video above shows the hurdles event in Kinect Sports made accessible to players who are blind, using a technique called real time sensory substitution. Using video analysis, visual cues that indicate when to jump are detected and then translated into vibrotactile cues provided with a Wii remote, which should allow someone who is blind to play this game without visual feedback.

I can see this system greatly assisting some learning disabled players in getting the timing of jumps right too. Fantastic stuff, with so many possibilities.

Read more at the SpecialEffect Accessible GameBase.

AbleGamers Foundation Holiday Gift Guide

Image of AbleGamers Foundation 2010 Holiday Gift Guide, with snowman.
If you are looking for some accessible gaming present ideas for Christmas, the AbleGamers Foundation have a very useful 2010 Holiday Gift Guide. They've cherry-picked a range of accessible video games, the fantastic Trabasack lap-tray/bag, a great iPad mount and a number of accessible gaming controllers. Well worth a look.

And if you'd like some more ideas, what about a "Final Boss" poster, something from the Accessible Gaming Shop or one of these fine accessible games.

Tuesday, 30 November 2010

I know I'm getting old...

Image of Alex Winston, cross-legged on a shag-pile carpet, with 1970's technology and guff behind her.

...because all the new music I like is discovered either from adverts or my daughter (normally first heard blared through a wall or ceiling). Long loved Kate Bush, Bjork and Kate Nash's music. Latest in the line of quirky singers I've a soft spot for is Alex Winston, with "Medicine" and her Cambodia Rock sounding "Choice Notes". Thanks Hyundai!

Saturday, 27 November 2010

For amusement only

Tim Hunkin is a national treasure. I first became aware of some of his work at the Southend Kursaal in 2000 when the Cabaret Mechanical Theatre exhibited the most left-field amusement arcade I'd ever seen. I remember coin-op machines that allowed you to get a phone message to Elvis Presley, a test-your-nerve against a slavering rabid looking dog machine and a bizarre frisking machine(!)

The machines were only there for a matter of months before they were gone. Turns out, many went to Southwold Pier to the Under the Pier Show, as I've found out today. Can't wait to go. Love this stuff.

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Electronic Soup Podcast: EuroGamer 2010

Image of Electronic Soup Podcast record cover, an in-car shot from Forza 3, overlaid with the text, Special Effect Electronic Soup Podcast.

The latest SpecialEffect Electronic Soup Pocast has just been unleashed as part of the November 2010 Access Collective. Amongst other fascinating things, you can find an interview with SpecialEffect founder, Mick Donegan, held at the mainstream gaming event EuroGamer 2010.

Should you pop over to the Accessible GameBase EuroGamer 2010 ESP post, you can read up on the accessible gaming gear we used at this fantastic show.

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

The Future of Christmas Lights

"Across Britain fairy lights are beginning to make an appearance as the nights draw in.

But in Derby they have been experimenting with new technology that leaves plastic Santas and flashing reindeer far behind.

Using banks of computerised lighting controls, streets and buildings can now seemingly be made to move, dance and even disappear."

Via: BBC News

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Tuke Sprint Interactive Activities

Screenshot from Fluids by Tuke Sprint. A range of white and grey sparks on a black background.

Earlier this year, I was invited to share some thoughts as part of SpecialEffect, with the Tuke Sprint team. To cut a short story shorter, they created six interactive experiences for PC and Mac, which you can grab and learn all about over at the Accessible GameBase.

"Fluids" (pictured above) is a great place to start, which can respond to the most gentle of finger-tip movements within the range of a web-cam. It's other worldly and very impressive when set-up well.

I really hope the team get to develop these further, because even as they stand (unfinished), they can be wonderfully accessible and highly effective activities for people of almost all abilities.

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Orthros Joystick

"This video demonstrates a one handed controller that provides all of the functionality of the standard PS3 handset, but accessible by persons with only one hand. The one in this video is the first functional prototype.

The design is such that it can be used by left or right handed people, as in the final version, a switch on the back will swap the "shape" buttons from left to right, and the system buttons from right to left.
The bottom joystick is currently the [traditional left thumb-stick].... as I move the handset around, the ["thumb-stick"] moves under it.

At the moment there are 17 3.5mm jack outputs and two 9way "D" type outputs for the analogue joysticks. These will all plug into the LEPMIS PS3-SAP (Switch Access Pod). The advantage of this is that you can re-configure all of the switches, and swap the joystick around, as you see fit, to suit your particular needs of game requirements.

If you can't manage all of the functions, leave some of the functions un-plugged and use different switches or joystick for those functions. You could use the tilt sensor joystick SAP-TAS with your head for one of the joystick for example

If you need advice or assistance with aspects of your game access, get in touch, I am sure we can help you."

Taken from Geoff Harbach's YouTube post, where you can find full contact details.

Monday, 1 November 2010

Sony Reduce Accessibility of PS3 Console

Image of a PS3 with the text, USE Prohibited, and in Japanese, 使用禁止, above the machine, linked to firmware update 3.50.
Ouch! Sony's recent firmware update (3.50) of their PS3 console has killed off functionality of some alternative controllers and adapters. These include all the one-handed and C-SID controllers I have sold that were supplied with a Logic 3 PS2 to PS3 adapter. Sony posted a consumer alert stating that some third-party rip-off DualShocks might explode, seemingly being the reason why they've cut out access with all manner of alternative controllers.

You can check through (a far from conclusive) list of controllers that now no longer work at the Forums. It's my understanding that HORI Separate controllers and eDimensional Access Controllers no longer work, and some Logic 3 PS2 to PS3 adapters too. Not good news.

Frankly, this is an awful move on Sony's behalf. I wonder if they realise that this update has left some players with no affordable way to keep playing on their PS3 consoles. I'm really hopeful that Sony will reconsider, and realise the importance of allowing access via alternative means, whilst they do so little to offer different ways to play. Also see the AbleGamers forum for more, and the Shoryuken Forum post on how to contact Sony to complain.

Thursday, 28 October 2010

Every Day the Same Dream

Screen shot from the starting screen of Every Day The Same Dream. A black and white 2D angular side on cartoon scene of a man in his bedroom preparing to start his day.

Every Day the Same Dream is a gloomy existentialist game, that's just perfect for Halloween. After clicking to start, three buttons or switches are all you need: Left and Right cursor keys and SPACE BAR.

Use the likes of JoyToKey to get this working with a joystick compatible controller or D.I.Y. switch interface. I recommend playing Fish Fish Bang Bang for the antidote.

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

To Hell with Johnny
 have a reputation for producing games with some of the best thought out and diverse accessibility features seen anywhere. Their latest, To Hell with Johnny, goes even further, as demonstrated in the amazing top video.

Great accessible fun for Halloween. Expect to see a review at the Accessible GameBase soon. Available to buy from for £10 ($15 USD) for PC with Mac version due soon.

Monday, 18 October 2010

Fotonica and Tales of Unspoken World

Screenshot from Tales of Unspoken World. A monochrome dream like view across a forest.

A sepia vectorised pathway leading off to a vanishing point.

Dream-like just about sums up Santa Ragione's Tales of Unspoken World (see top picture). Placed in a monochrome world, your controls are simple (once started). Stand still and you'll hear all manner of strange sounds, tap UP to take a somnambulistic wander. Hold to run at super human speed. Hold SPACE to take a super-human flying leap. Wonderful!

Fotonica is the follow up to TOUW, this time with pure one-switch controls (SPACE bar) and beautiful Cinematronics inspired vector graphics. Play has been made much more game like this time around. Imagine mixing Tales of Unspoken World with Run Rabbit Run 3D and Canabalt and you'll be not too far away.

This is a work in progress, with more accessibility features to come. As is, this is a brilliant one-switch game, and better than Canabalt. Can't wait to see this with easier play options. Fantastico! 

Thursday, 14 October 2010

Xbox 360 Kinect Accessibility Round Table: Some Questions and Answers

Image of Microsoft's slim-black Xbox 360 with Kinect, flanked by symbols for a game controller and the universal symbol of accessibility.
On the 2nd of September Microsoft drew together some of the biggest advocates of accessible gaming to a round table event on Kinect, the Xbox 360 and accessibility.

I couldn't make it (expense and timing) and nor could SpecialEffect. Boo. But, we did submit our thoughts and some questions for the day. These are now shared over at the Accessible GameBase, alongside Microsoft's answers. Feel free to draw your own conclusions. My personal thoughts...?

Absolutely chuffed to bits that there is a small exponent within Microsoft pushing for greater accessibility in game development. Really happy that they ran this ground breaking round table. Don't think we'll see any massive improvements in accessibility this year, but who knows what's around the corner? Could be very exciting times ahead. Are Microsoft listening now? Will Sony and Nintendo follow suit? I'm hopeful.

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

18+ Accessible Games

Mind F**k by Auntie Pixelante. Two space women, staring each other out within a video game setting.
EuroGamer was fantastic this year, but the 18+ section was just full of games where you shoot people in the face. That's not grown-up stuff. That's just nasty. I would have liked to have seen some of the themes that film directors like Ken Loach and David Cronenberg run with, find their way into an 18+ gaming area. Especially considering how far some things have come since Pong in 1972.

These aren't quite what I'm talking about (I'm thinking more grown-up themes with Shenmue quality), but if you're 18+, give these two a look. Auntie Pixelante's 2-player one-switch game Mind [rude word] and Tembac's two-button racer Symphorophilia. You have been warned!

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Urban Explorers and Haikyo

Denbigh Asylum. Image of a corridor with severely pealing paint. A single row of sky-lights illuminate the scene.
Denbigh Asylum. Image of a collapsed floor, with an old fashioned rusting wheelchair that down that hole. The photos above were taken at what's left of Denbigh Asylum in Wales, by an urban explorer. There are tons of photos like this at "28dayslater - The UK UE Urbex Urban Exploration Forums", and also at Michael John Grist's Haikyo site.

Sunday, 10 October 2010


Image of a countryside scene, with a man strolling down a lush green hill, with two glowing orbs hanging in the sky. Text reads, 'Pond'.

Breathe in. Breathe out. pOnd is a one-switch game like no other. Your one-switch control is linked to inhaling (hold) and exhaling (release). It does require accurate timing, and some will find a latching switch helps. Later, JoyToKey's auto-fire could help those needing assistance in rapid-taps, without wishing to give too much away.

Many thanks to Gavin Philips for the tip-off.

Saturday, 9 October 2010

"little girl loves APHEX TWIN"

Fun! I can listen to stuff like that all day long. Love it. See the "Hyperactive Machine" too for some similar interactive music shenanigans.

Olympics Squared

Screenshot from Olympics Squared of a retro styled ski-jump with multiple athletes at once.

Not seen a new true one-switch game, no mouse required, for a while now. Olympics Squared from Lexaloffle puts that right. It's a cute-surreal collection of three sports events: Ski-jump, javelin and diving. Set your switch to left-click. Click pretty soon after your event starts to split into multple athletes, then again to jump/throw/dive. Once (if) you get the knack, this is quite a compelling little on-line game.

Thanks to RetroRemakes via Twitter for the link.

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Tomorrow's World review of the 1970's

Tomorrow's World review of the 1970's, including Toby Churchill's Lightwriter and converted Mini. You can also get a feel for what a state the UK was in, and via Prestel, what internet shopping looked like in 1979 (expensive!).

Link via: the British Assistive Technology Association

Thursday, 30 September 2010

One Switch Swarm

Image of a Crocodile flying a jet-plane, bombing some wild animals below.
Lately there's been more one-switch games than I have time to give my attention to properly. Thank goodness for the Accessible GameBase. Here's a swift list with a few of my comments...

AMAZE-O-Tron (PC): Simple, but really nice implementation of a maze game for various interfaces from TamToucan. The one-switch mode works very well.

Ashes to Ashes Zombie Cricket (on-line game): Good one for Halloween. Will require assistance to navigate the menu and between level option screens. Huge fun if you have a slightly sick sense of humour.

Blitz Bombing (on-line game): 1970's game "Air Attack" given a fresh lick of paint, and actually highly accessible once you get past the horrible amount of adverts. The aim is to clear a city of skyscrapers so that you can land your plane, whilst Louis Armstrong plays in the background. A bit sinister really.

Epic Coaster (on-line game): Also inspired by Canabalt, but with a fun fair theme. Probably a bit easier than Canabalt, and definitely easier than....

Hard Way (on-line game): Fast and difficult martial arts themed game also inspired by Canabalt. I found it plenty irritating to be honest.

Mouse Click (on-line game): Extremely simple race game. Gets very tough very quickly, but you're only in competition with your own scores.

Net Blazer (on-line game): Lone Basketball practice. Requires very quick timing skills. A huge jump up from Hoop Stars in difficulty.

Nano Ninja (on-line game): Fairly likeable retro martial arts themed game. Each floor poses a slightly different challenge, and a different way to use your one-button control. Requires accurate timing and rapid presses at times.

Prison Throw (on-line game): Another partially one-switch accessible Nanaca Crash rip-off. Needs mouse to navigate menus but SPACE BAR to play. Tap once to start power meter, then again to launch. Okay.

RetroVaders (PC): A re-jig of Taito's Space Invaders, including the ability to adjust the graphics to use Atari VCS invaders. Not bad.

Runnerby (on-line game): Very tough high-speed puzzle game.You can slow it down with CPU Killer to make a bit easier though. No great shakes.

Strap On Bomb Car (PC): Partially one-switch isometric racing game. Another game requiring quick reactions. S'allright.

Switch Lanes (PC and Mac): 10-pin bowling for one to five one-switch players. The best one-switch bowling game available. Perhaps a little expensive in the UK at $70+ (with a horrible exchange rate at the minute) but nothing to match it.

Wave Spark (on-line game): Race your ball across mountains, using your single control to activate gravity. Try it! It's pretty fun, if very basic, providing you can grasp the control system.

Work for Skoogmusic

Image of the Skoog musical instrument (a white spongy cube, each surface with a different coloured dome element) with four silhoutted hands on it. The text reads, 'twist, strike, squeeze, press'.

Are you a bit of a genius with computers and audio, or know someone who is? Fancy working on the most exciting accessible musical instrument made this century? If so, Skoogmusic are looking for you. Job application details here.

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Part of the Syndrome to Be

I've got a Volvo by the way! Not this one though. Image of an old yellow brick estate Volvo with some toffs in the background with shot-guns. The boot is open, with a couple of dogs jumping out.

"Years ago when I taught more students with Down Syndrome I was moved by the essay, "If People with Down Syndrome Ruled the World." I was moved not only because it was so true, but also because it was so funny. If you have ever loved an individual who has Down Syndrome you will see them in that essay. (Heck even if you have just seen, "The Ringer" you will know some of what that essay is talking about.)

But what about of all the other syndromes and conditions that make up our classrooms? What would the world be like if they ruled it? If people with CP ruled the world their would be a warning before every loud noise, but enough time after to let the fun of a startle work for you if you want. If people with CVI ruled the world everything would be in yellow, red, black and white with excellent lighting. If girls and women with Rett Syndrome ruled the world eye pointing was be an assumed and preferred form of communication. If people with Cockayne Syndrome ruled the world their would way more affection and laughter. If people with autism ruled the world intense hobbies and interests would be the norm and everyone would keep track of the kind of car everyone else drives. If people with Leigh's Disease and other Mitochondrial Diseases ruled the world energy conservation wouldn't mean turning off the lights when you left the room it would mean napping when you need to.

In a discussion with a friend today we joked that one syndrome was the syndrome to be, but aren't they all? Isn't it great to think of all the positive things about our students and the ways we can re-frame the not-always-positive?"

From: Kate Aherne's Blog

Guante Pulsador

Image of a switch adapted translucent blue joypad, next to a white gloved hand, that has a wire, and tow contacts stitched into the thumb and forefinger area. Text reads, Access Able Games.

AccessAble Games have recently unveiled a simple touch sensitive switching system that can be stitched into the likes of gloves, sweat-bands and so on. It's an inexpensive solution that may well suit many. AccessAble Games are happy to support people around the world looking for alternative set-ups, as well as in helping them to find suitable games.

Very happily added to the Tailor Made Game Controllers section of the Accessible Gaming Shop. Link via: Accessible GameBase.

It's a Jungle - Basildon's threatened Spaces

Water-colour of Basildon green-land. Lots of vivid blues, and bright greens. Late Summer morning sun casting long shadows.

Love this piece of art, entitled "It's a Jungle", from Jet Stream Trader author and, artist, Roy Simmons. Linked to Basildon council's selling off of green spaces to pay for the town's new Leisure Centre. He added these words...

"It's a Jungle
to a 3 year old
and as important
as a Rain Forest."

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

"LIFE! It Must Be A Comedy"

Image of an Ornate marble surround, framing Robert Florio's book 'LIFE! It Must Be A Comedy. An image of Robert in his 20's with a paint-brush in mouth, with spikey hair and attitude. Above, a child-hood photo of him laughing.

Long term supporter of Game Accessibility, and life in general, Robert Florio is an artist, comedian and now novelist, having just seen his autobiography, LIFE! It Must Be a Comedy published. He's a really interesting bloke with plenty to say. I'm really looking forward to reading a copy.

A while back, my mother-in-law lent me a copy of  "No Man an Island", a biography of Peter Spencer, who also learnt to paint using his mouth. Peter, had a similar zeal for life, but written back in 1970, I'm guessing Robert's book will be somewhat more in your face.

Available from CreateSpace.

Saturday, 25 September 2010

Indie Kombat

Fish Fish Bang Bang. Hugely colourful game screen shot, baddie fish homing in an Octagonal pattern towards the goodie gold fish in the middle.
I've been shabby in not reporting on Indie Kombat and the recent mash-up competition between two superfly one-switch compatible games, Rob Fearon's SY!NSO! and Farb's Fishie Fishie. I'll try to put that right here, as it's turned out two stunning new one-switch games.

Farbs concocted Fish Squid Time Machine, a game unlike any I've ever seen before. It's an Xbox 360 game for one to fifty players. It layers SY!NSO! and Fishie Fishie (and a flying donkey) where you can see bits of SY!NSO! underneath as parts of the screen get torn up. It's hypnotising, and available for a free demo run too, so you can see if you've got the tracking skills to play it.

Rob Fearon created the rival Fish Fish Bang Bang, taking extra inspiration from Vectrex classic Bedlam (love that game), Llamasoft's psychedelics and humour, and Chip Shops. This is a 15 level demo version for PC's and it's pretty wonderful. Highly accessible as is (again you'll need good tracking skills), the game will even play itself! I hope Rob, will offer a range of difficulty levels (keeping the current difficulty, as that's perfect for many), as I personally wanted it to be tougher. Sweet as, though.

Definitely recommend getting both games through Indie Kombat.

Thursday, 23 September 2010

Accessible Gaming at EuroGamer Expo 2010

High up photo of the EuroGamer Expo hall in 2009, full of people and games machines. The text reads 'EuroGamer Expo 2010, partnered with HMV. Links with the attendance of the Accessible GameBase.

Accessible Gaming will be making a showing at the public EuroGamer Expo 2010 in London's Earls Court thanks to the Accessible GameBase. I'll be there helping to run our stand on Friday the 1st and Sunday the 3rd of October. If you'd like a sneak preview of what gear we'll have there, just click the large picture above. Really looking forward to this one, and getting the word out at a mainstream event. Should be fun!

Light Pressure Switches and Switches Galore

Image of five light pressure Altec accessibility switches.Recent additions to the Accessible Gaming Shop Switches section include: Altec's Ultra Light Pressure Switches. These are said to activate on very gentle pressure, have a reusable sticky underside to assist in mounting, and are a little wider than the width of the average finger. They come in at a very reasonable price too ($20 for one, $90 for five from Marblesoft - use for a currency conversion).

I have a link to Kate Aherne's fantastic Picassa album of over 160 accessibility switches, where you can get an idea of many switch options at a glance. I've also added a link within the switch mounting solutions area of some of her recommendations and suggestions for cheaper D.I.Y. solutions.

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

My Golf Game

VTree's My Golf Game has been on my keep-an-eye-on list for some time. Well it's out and looks very nice indeed. Accessibility features include a range of input methods, including a one-switch mode (game-play only - not for the menus I'm sorry to say) and a range of difficulty levels. There's a promo over at AbleGamers to get a cheaper copy which can save you a few quid.

More golf accessibility? It's possible to play Everybody's Golf for PSone and PS2 in one-switch style (again without fully accessible menus) using a PC, emulator and 4Noah utility. For something much easier to get going, I'd highly recommend trying out the 2D mini-golf accessible classic Mini Golf 1-Button Style by Danjo, which is fully one-switch compatible.

For those thinking of producing their own accessible golf game, I recommend taking a look at the IGDA's GASIG's Top 3 Accessibility Tips for a Golf game.

Sunday, 19 September 2010

AbleGames 2010

Image of a young man beaming, flanked by two on-lookers, whilst he plays an adapted pinball machine using a single accessibility switch.
Image of a jokey/nervous helper hiding behind a vecro vest from a Nerf Foam Bullet barrage, triggered by people using accessibility switches to fire at her.
Two young children playing a Wii Mario Kart. One using a standard steering wheel, the other using a cap mounted controller, enabling alternative access to the game.
Image of a young lad beaming brightly whilst playing a Wii Ski game using a chair controller. Flanked by two helpers who are also smiling broadly.
Image of an ex. Denver Nugget basketball player and a young lad playing against each other on Hoop Stars, one-switch basketball game. Both smiling, but with intently competitive looks on their faces.The photos above are just a small sample from the hundreds taken at the AbleGames 2010 event. Following last years amazing event, I was really curious to see if Assistive Technology Partners' could live up to the 2009 show. They definitely did and more!

I was delighted, and touched, after receiving this e-mail below from ATP's Gavin Philips giving me a run down of the equipment used, and how things went.

6 Nintendo Wii stations

Each projected onto a wall for the “big screen” effect.
2 with our “seating system on a Fit Board” contraptions.
2 with switch adapted Guitar Hero (one with drums and microphone).
2 with WiiMotes strapped to hats, arms, etc. for racing and sports.

6 Computer stations

Each with a switch interface and switches, a variety of adapted mice/joysticks and head trackers. One with a cardboard carrel to block light/glare and remove distractions, for kids with vision impairments.
Each with the following games: Aurikon, Hoop Stars, Mario Dash, One Switch Mini Golf, Star Wars, TIG Duels, Sonic Zoom (for kids with vision impairments), Peggle, SEN Switcher, Whack-A-Monty-Mole.

2 Switch adapted Nerf machine-gun stations
Both with Velcro tipped darts, targets, and vests for moving targets to wear. Mounted on “universal mounts” (Bogen arms).

2 Switch adapted pinball tables
Stern's Spiderman and William's Medieval Madness. One standard height, one with legs cut down to kid/wheelchair height. Adapted so that one switch jack controlled both flippers.

1 “Splatball” station
A homemade slingshot that could be fired by pressing a large board, which shot paintballs at targets. Several people recommended paintball for kids with vision impairments, due to the sound, smell, and tactile feedback.

Plus a large variety of switch toys, iPads with games and other fun apps, switch adapted “colour spinner” painting toy, etc.

"A local Boy Scout troop served lunch, and one of them helped organize for his Eagle Scout project. The daughter of one of our therapists ran a “kids corner” for siblings of participants and children of staff and volunteers. Two retired NBA players from the Denver Nuggets came to play Hoop Stars with the kids, pose for pictures, sign autographs, and play as Nerf gun targets. At the end of the day, each participant got a certificate with his or her personal title (Best Smile, Basketball Champ, etc.), a trophy, and a CD with all of the computer games and some other resources. We gave away the computers from the computer stations, and are keeping a list of people who want computers, so that I can continue to prepare donated ones as I get them, and give them out.

Everyone seemed to have a great time, and I think we had something that each participant could enjoy. I think we are hoping to split into two sessions next year, so that we can double the number of participants from 20 to 40.

Thanks as always for your support, advice, and huge selection of one switch games to share! You made this possible in the first place.

Now I just have to find a nice selection of Mac-compatible games for one of our participants who uses one at home…"

Friday, 17 September 2010

One Button Challenge

Image from an old Chemical Brothers promotion, reading 'My Finger Is On The Button. Galvanise.'
Image of a man's hand reaching out to press a red push button, above which is the word 'Doubt'."From September through October 2010, open source software educator Openlab Workshops and digital arts agency Cybersonica challenge anyone interested in makings things for themselves to conceive, design and build a device with a single button input. What this device actually does once its button is pressed is entirely up to them."

Link with thanks to Heather Kelly of Kokoromi.

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

PlayGamer Magazine featuring Accessible GameBase

Image of PlayGamer issue 15 for PS3. Featuring an article on gaming charities including SpecialEffect's Accessible GameBase.
Image of Bill Donegan looking around from an accessible gaming set-up that includes a One Hand Controller, head-tracker, eye-tracker and large yellow domed switch. Fantastic to see my colleague Bill Donegan, the guy behind the bulk of content on the Accessible GameBase, recognised in the gaming press. PlayGamer magazine have published a four page spread on gaming charities in issue 15 which is still in UK shops now.

Column inches are shared between the SpecialEffect Accessible GameBase, GamesAid and CODE. I of course don't believe accessible gaming is purely something for charities to tackle alone. In my view, it's simply the right thing for developers to be taking into account from day one. But until that day...

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Things to Listen To

Image of a happily deranged person aiming a megaphone directly into their ear. Monochrome stencil over a brain scan film, by Australian artist, Meek. Three things for your ear holes today: 1. The latest Access Collective Number 6 podcast has arrived (no Electronic Soup Podcast - I was busy getting married and on honeymoon). 2. The August Ouch! Podcast. 3. Justin Bieber slowed down 90% ish for ambient heads (link via Bill at the Accessible GameBase).

Monday, 13 September 2010

Quasicon Axis Basile

Quasicon Axis Basile. Josh Basile grinning with his large Quasicon accessible game controller, positioned on his wheelchair tray.
Full overhead image of the Quasicon Axis-3 accessible arcade stick with analogue controls.
Closer view of the Quasicon Axis-3 accessible arcade stick with analogue controls.
Pictured above is the rightly chuffed looking Josh Basile with his Quasimoto built Quasicon Axis Basile (aka Axis-3). It took him many years of searching and testing before finally getting a game controller that suited him. I ran a few questions by Josh to find out more...

How did the Quasicon Axis Basile come about?

"I designed and customized this controller with the Quasimoto team based on my physical limitations and the type of games I like to play [e.g. Tiger Woods Golf, Madden, Call of Duty]. "

Are you 100% happy with this, or are there any adjustments you'd like made to it to suit you even better?

"This new controller has opened the door for me to resume my love for gaming. I am 100% happy with my new controller. I'm now working with Quasimoto to design a special attachment that extends the main section with all the buttons near an individual face in order to push the buttons with a mouth stick while freeing up an individual's hands to control both analog joysticks. "

If game developers could make their games more accessible for you, how might they do so?

"Game developers could provide more settings that word allow a user to customize what each button does and how each joystick functions. "

I can vouch for Quasimoto gear too. Superb build quality, and highly compatible with multple game platforms. Prices break down as $349.99 plus shipping for an Axis-1 or Axis-2, and $599 plus shipping for an Axis-3 (use to convert the currency). For all, you can request metal extension rods to the analogue joysticks (with 1", 1.25" or 1.5" balls on the end) for $13.99 each.

Added to the Accessible Game Shop.

Sunday, 12 September 2010

Sophie's Switch Accessible Toys

Image of Sophie Patmore using her switch adapted Thomas the Tank Engine set. A large helium balloon is tied to the train to make it more fun to use.
Close up of Sophie's set-up of two accessibility switches connected to a remote control unit. One to GO and one to STOP.
Left image: Close up of the Thomas the Tank Engine set-up with some of Sophie's favourite toys taking a ride. Right image: Sophie activating her switch adapted bubble machine, surrounded by bubbles.
Image of Sophie and her Dad squirting something (or someone) off picture with a switch accessible water pistol he adapted for her.The pictures have been re-published here thanks to Sophie Patmore's Mum and Dad from their truly lovely web-site, The Sophie Story.

Sophie's Mum bought a switch adapted Gazillion Bubbles Machine from me a while back, which I was really happy to learn that Sophie loved. Later, Sophie's Dad tracked down and switch adapted a water pistol himself (a Saturator AK47 from the looks of it). Most recently, they asked me to adapt a Thomas the Tank Engine train-set for switches, which you can see Sophie using above.

It does make me very happy to see this kind of stuff finding such a good home. Click on the pictures for more.