Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Plea for Near Future Assistive Technology Help

Image of a scanned eye, linked to an appeal for MND AT support.

"I have Motor Neuron Disease and my arms are paralysed. I use computers via my eye gaze system and foot switches. However, since MND is a progressive condition, I need to look forward to when I may be reduced to using only my eyes or even brain waves. Therefore I need a way to interface my computer to things like my wheelchair, which are controlled by switches.

I was wondering if it would be possible for something like an arduino to emulate a switch. That is, to connect up a suitable jack plug and have the arduino send the appropriate electrical signals to emulate button click or hold. The arduino in turn could be controlled by programs running on a PC. I have a software background so could manage the programming, but I am pretty ignorant when it comes to electronics."

This plea above was e-mailed to me from Steve Thomas (who writes a number of blogs including the mighty-fine l337 epic blog with a MMORPG focus). Something like that might be so useful for so many reasons, perhaps Raspberry Pi or Arduino powered. Perhaps a little like the iOS Switchamajig. Perhaps taking a lead from BLEduino. If anyone can help, please get in touch.

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